4 Ways to Get Your Emails Read

Apr 5, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

Are your company’s emails falling on deaf ears? These days, we are bombarded with emails, and it often feels like we’re drowning in people vying for your time and attention. How does your company break through that noise and share your message with authenticity?

  • Images – We’ve all heard the old adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. An image can be a very powerful thing, and it can make or break an email. Choose your images wisely, and make sure they work. There is nothing worse then an email full of broken images and links.
  • Subject Line – An eye-catching and unique subject line goes a long way. Make it something people want to click on. Use funny statements or out-of-the-box words to grab attention. Keep it short, and avoid things like, “click now to win” or “Download the whitepaper now.” For one, these kinds of statements are boring, but they also suggest possible spam. The subject line is the first impression, and you want to make it count.
  • Short & Sweet – Keep your email short and simple. You are not writing a book, a blog or a Facebook post. It’s an email, and you have very little time to get your message across. 
  • Call to Action – What do you want your prospect to do? Make it clear and easy to accomplish. Whether it is to download, click or tweet, it needs to be clear what you want from them and how they can do it.

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